Electrical safety tips for kids
If you have toddlers at home, you must have noticed that they are curious by nature and sometimes it can be difficult to keep kids away from things that day should not be playing with for example electricity. Through this post teachers of Preschool Rolling Hills Estates, CA, are sharing some safety tips to keep your little ones away from electrical hazards and allowthem to be at their creative best. Dangers of electricity for kids: Many of you must have experienced a situation where you feel a shock when you touch the doorknob or another person. This type of shock is generated from static electricity, but an actual electric shock is very painful and can even cause death. Electricity can cause severe burn injuries and fatal shocks in children. Children’s muscles can get tightened up and may cause breathing problems. It can disturb the heartbeat which in turn can constrict their blood vessels. Sometimes the electricity may cause som...