
4 Nutrient-Rich Juice Recipes that Promote Health in Childrren

  Kids can be fussy over food and at times this can create a great problem as this may deprive them of essential nutrients for their body. So, if you have a fussy eater at home, it is your responsibility to make sure that he consumes enough nutrients needed for their body. Now you must be thinking about how to incorporate all the nutrients into their regular diet. Relax! You can prepare nutrients rich juices that will promote their health. So if you want to know some recipes for such juices, please read the entire post as nutritionists from Preschool Rolling Hills, CA have shared some easy to make and healthy juice recipes. ABC Juice or Apple, Beetroot, and Carrot Juice ABC Juice is a rich source of antioxidants, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, and Vitamin A. Ingredien...

5 Most Effective Strategies To Get Kids Develop Healthy Eating Habits

  Do you have a toddler at home? Then you must be knowing that getting them to eat healthy foods is one of the biggest struggles. But a nutritious balanced diet is essential for kids to have a healthy physical and mental development. So, despite their unwilling attitude towards eating healthy foods you need to make sure they get all the required nutrients. Caregivers of Child Care Rolling Hills, CA suggest parents follow some effective tips to make your kids develop healthy eating habits. Some effective strategies to help kids develop healthy eating habits Offer Choices : New age kids do not like to be forced to do something. Parents also want their kids to be independent. So, from an early age, they provide their kids with options and encourage them to choose depending on their mood and taste. You should ...

Influence of television on child nutrition

    Watching television is one of the most favorite ways of spending leisure time across all the age groups. Different television channels are there which are so entertaining, and keep the children glued to the screen for hours as well. Sometimes the parents also keep the television set on and make their kids watch their favorite cartoon channel so that they can finish their chores in time. Another pivotal role of television is to make the kids eat their meals while watching it. As per the teachers of  Preschool Rolling Hills Estates, CA ,  some of them are so addicted to the TV during their mealtime that they open their mouths during their lunch or snack time only if the television set is on.   An advertisement that occurs in between the break time has ample influence in the kids' minds. Most of the food products related advertisements promote unhealthy snacks, which in turn make the child demand the same from their parents. If their favorite cartoon charac...

The Effects of Working parents on Child Development

    Parents are the first guide in a Child’s life and they are bound to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of children. According to  Child Care Rolling Hills Estates, CA , for keeping pace with the modern world where the inflation rate is high, parents are mostly trying earning money to run a family smoothly to bear such a lot of expenses. As a result, it is seen that the relationship between children and parents are facing positive as well as negative effects. At  MontessoriRolling Hills Estates, CA   it is said that parents have a lot of money to spend on children but not some quality time. Let us see how working parents affect the development of children.   Positive Effects:-    Quality lifestyle- When both the parents of the children are working, the lifestyle of the household gets affordable and of standard quality. Parents can spend easily on the demands of the children as well as their extra-curricular activit...

5 Fun Activities You Can Do With Your Kids During This Quarantine Period

  Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, everybody in the whole world is facing a tough time. With the sudden school closure, children are stuck at home without having much fun learning time. Parents are also getting stressed and frustrated as they have to manage their super active toddlers always at home along with their professional commitments. In this situation to bring some fun elements back to your life, Preschool Rolling Hills Estates, CA , teachers have shared some fun activity ideas that you can do with your kids. Continue reading and find the kid-friendly fun activities which you can do with your children 1. Recycled Crafts Make a rainmaker out of toilet paper cardboard tubes. Supplies you need : Toilet paper or kitchen roll cardboard tubes Cardboard sheets ...

Different Types Of Parenting Plans

  A parenting plan is a child custody plan that is negotiated by parents and submitted to the court before one couple get their divorce. This plan outlines what you and your ex-spouse need to do for the upbringing of the child until he becomes capable and independent as an adult. Teachers of Child Care Rolling Hills Estates CA interact with many divorced parents and have seen them developing different types of parenting plans. So, you can continue reading to have a better understanding of different types of parenting plans. Joint Custody Parenting Plan : Many parents go for a joint custody parenting plan as according to this plan both the parents share half-half responsibility in the upbringing process of the child. This is a great option for the parents who divorce on mutual terms and don’t argue with each other. As per the terms and conditions of this plan, the child ca...

Why sensory play is important for children

  Children are born explorer as they start exploring their senses and processing new information from the time of their birth. Slowly gradually they start exploring new texture, materials, and resources. They start exploring the world around them by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, and hearing. It has been observed by Preschool Rolling Hills Estates, CA teachers that children learn the best and retain the most when their senses are engaged in the learning experiences. So, providing opportunities for children to actively use their senses as they explore their world through ‘sensory play’ is crucial for brain development. What is ‘Sensory Play’? Sensory play is the activity that helps children engage their senses (touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight, and...